Veterinary acupuncture has been healing animals for thousands of years. It is a very unique way to think of animal illness and the ways we can look at the whole animal in a means to heal them.
Here are some common symptoms that can be addressed with acupuncture:
- Back issues -pain, disease, loss of function, IVDD, calving paralysis
- Allergies
- Inappetence (animal not eating)
- GI issues (vomiting/diarrhea/constipation/colic)
- Inflammation
- Behavioral problems
- Hormone and reproductive assistance
- Quality of life improvement (cancer and hospice)
Commonly asked questions
- Is acupuncture safe?
Yes! Acupuncture is a very safe medical procedure when administered by a qualified practitioner. Very few negative effects have been found in clinical cases.
2. How long does a treatment take?
Each session may take 20-45 minutes; the first session usually takes longer then follow-up sessions.
3. How many treatments are needed?
As in all medicine, this depends on the situation and treatments can be done daily, weekly, monthly or even further apart depending on the severity and chronicity of the condition.
4. Does acupuncture hurt?
Rarely! Acupuncture is not painful because acupuncture points are stimulated using very fine needles. Over 95% of patients are comfortable with acupuncture therapy. Due to the relaxation effect, some animals will fall asleep during acupuncture treatments.